
Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Dental Implants services offered in Midland, TX

Consider dental implants if you’ve lost permanent teeth due to trauma or extractions. At her dental practice, located in Midland, Texas, experienced general and cosmetic dentist Ashley Burns, DDS, and her team regularly partner with oral surgeons to place and restore dental implants. Depending on your needs, they may recommend single dental implants or an All-on-4® treatment approach. Call the practice of Ashley Burns, DDS, today to request a dental implants consultation or make your appointment online.

This service is a referal based service where we work closely with oral surgeons to best fit your needs.

Dental Implants Q&A

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are small titanium screws inserted into your empty tooth sockets. The implants integrate with your bone and provide a foundation for crowns, bridges, or implant-anchored dentures.

What are the types of dental implants?

Single implants

Your dentist may recommend single implants if you’re only missing one or two teeth. A single implant supports a dental crown or a dental bridge.

All-on-4 dental implants

Your dentist recommends full mouth reconstruction if you’re missing all of the permanent teeth in your upper or lower dental arch. 

All-on-4 implants support a full row of artificial teeth. An oral surgeon inserts four titanium implants into strategic areas in your upper or lower jaw.

All-on-4 implants are immediate load, meaning they don’t require a recovery period. You can bite and chew with them immediately after placement.

What does getting dental implants involve?

The Ashley Burns, DDS team partners with talented oral surgeons for dental implant placement.

Single implants

If your dentist determines you’re a candidate for single implants, they refer you to an oral surgeon for the placement procedure. Your surgeon numbs your mouth with an anesthetic and inserts the implants into your empty tooth sockets.

After placement, your surgeon provides recovery instructions and writes a prescription for antibiotics.

Several months later, after the implants finish integrating with your bone, you visit the practice of Ashley Burns, DDS. Your dentist takes scans of your mouth and sends them to a dental lab. Techs at the lab design and create your custom implant restorations.

When the implant restorations are finished, you return to the practice of Ashley Burns, DDS. Your dentist attaches the restorations to your implants and explains how to care for them.

Dental implants often last for decades with good oral hygiene.

Call the practice of Ashley Burns, DDS today to learn more about dental implants, or make your appointment online to shcedule your consultation today!